Sunday, November 15, 2009

Well if it's spelled wrong, I guess the whole message must be wrong.

I am recently getting more and more upset with idiots blaming bad spelling for all the problems with a person's message. The only time I think a typo means the outcome is wrong is when we're dealing with mathematics or translations.

Who cares if the word atheist is spelled "athiest?" We still get the message. I used to be a stickler for correct grammar and spelling but over the years I've loosened up.

The reason is because of people like Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey speaking out again things like children's vaccinations. Are we seriously so blind that we'd take medical advice from a former playboy and a comedic over-actor?

The CDC has a list of downloadable (excuse my made up words dictionary nazis!) charts here. Each one of these shots listed helps to prevent deaths every year. Now I'm sorry if their kid has autism, and I don't really thing it was caused by vaccines. But wouldn't you rather have a living child with autism than a child who died from something preventable?

Now this whole thing started from a publication in a medical journal:

The only "evidence" linking MMR vaccine and autism was published in the British journal Lancet in 1998 [5]. An editorial published in the same issue, however, discussed concerns about the validity of the study [6]. Based on data from 12 patients, Dr. Andrew Wakefield (a British gastroenterologist) and colleagues speculated that MMR vaccine may have been the possible cause of bowel problems which led to a decreased absorption of essential vitamins and nutrients which resulted in developmental disorders like autism. No scientific analyses were reported, however, to substantiate the theory.

Quack Watch website where I copied and pasted from

The study was discredited within it's own journal because they only "speculated" and never tested! It was never validated. And the fact that autism rears it's ugly head about the same time that vaccines are usually administered meant the study was most like just a coincidence! WTF?!?

People need to keep getting these shots until there is a direct link between vaccines and autism. Especially if they have kids. Kids depend on their parents to keep them safe and alive. If parents really think autism is so bad, maybe they should talk to parents in third world countries who can't get these vaccines and had to bury a child.

Oh wait, maybe you can just go to Philadelphia.

For the record: Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy don't recommend you stop all vaccinations, they only want some removed. Here's the first part of their Larry King interview on youtube. All the other parts will be linked after watching the first part thru youtube's service.

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