Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jon Stewart on "under God" in our pledge of allegiance

I watched a clip from the Friendly Atheist's blog on Jon Stewart's take on the court's decision that "Under God" in the pledge of allegiance is unconstitutional. And I have to agree that while the phrase (being added not by the original author) is discriminatory toward some of us, I think it is a silly lawsuit. Silly because it shouldn't have to happen.

It is just like the stupid woman who spilled coffee on herself then sued McDonald's. It was the woman's fault for burning herself and it was the government's fault for putting itself in such a stupid position. We all know that "Under God" was added in the 1950's because of the communism scare because obviously all atheists are communists (sarcasm).

This is 2009 people! Wake up! As Obama said, this is not a Christian Nation. We are a nation of religious and non-religious people. Believers and Non-believers living together as free Americans.

Our nation's motto should not be "In God We Trust." Our motto was picked out by the founding fathers as E Pluribus Unum. The non-Christian founding fathers had an idea for where we were going and we've lost our way because separation of Church and State keeps having to be re-established.

Now I know a lot of you out there want us to be a Christian Nation or you already think we are, but isn't our time better spent learning what we can about others and branching out our knowledge? Why do we keep wasting tax-payer money on things that we shouldn't have to fight about? If people want to be religious, go right ahead. But it should be a personal, private matter, not a national matter.

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